Without a doubt, relocation can be quite stressful. We could compare it to working on a stressful project, however, the truth is that it’s worse than that. Actually, relocation is one of the most stressful situations in most people’s lives, right after experiencing the loss of a loved one, and divorce. Luckily, there are ways to cope with the stress of relocation, and we’ll explore them in this article.
Avoid stressors
If you know yourself to be a person who’s prone to stress, and you’re about to move, do your best to avoid stressors. These are the usual causes of stress during relocation:
• lack of control
• multitasking
• the fear of forgetting something
• other situations that force you to cope with the stress of relocation
A good way to avoid these situations is having a good plan. Thinking and planning ahead will allow you to prepare for what’s coming and give you enough time for every single task that you need to do. Also, knowing that you did your best to prepare means that you’ll be less likely to have the self-blaming thoughts that won’t do you any good.
Make important decisions.
Decide to:
• go easy on yourself
• try to cope with the stress the way you choose to
• take care of yourself during relocation
• ask for help if you think you’ll need it
And you might want to write these decisions down and remember them when things get hectic. There will be other important choices to make when choosing your moving company, choosing your new home, etc.
Find the space to cope with the stress of relocation
When finding yourself in a stressful situation, you want to respond to it, rather than react. Reacting to a situation implies that you’ll deal with the stressor unconsciously. The fact that it’s an unconscious action means that it might not be the best way to deal with the situation, but rather the way that you’re used to. On the other hand, responding to a situation means that you’re acknowledging the stressor, first of all. And then, you’re making a conscious decision on how to deal with the stressor. It will take some time and space to do this successfully, so try to avoid hectic moving schedules. The final goal is to avoid programming that does not serve you. Instead, you want to choose a better and healthier way to cope with the situation.
One task at a time
Before settling down in another state or city, there are a lot of tasks you need to take care of. So this is why you should make a plan with the information you have at the moment and make important decisions accordingly. However, after this point, thinking about the next steps can be counterproductive. In order to deal with the stress of moving, do one task at a time. This will enable you to focus and be more productive at what you’re working on at the moment. But what to do in the case of some changes, you might ask yourself? Schedule a time to update your plans according to any information you receive after you make your initial plan. After that, you’ll be able to give your full attention to the task you’re dealing with at the moment.
Stay in the present
You’ve probably heard people say that the past and the future don’t exist. We can think about the past and bring it in the now, but without it, it doesn’t exist. The past is just a collection of moments that were once the present. The same goes for the future – it’s what might become present at some point or not. Neither one exists unless we give it our attention. Because of this, all we have is the present moment. And a lot of stress comes from not experiencing the present moment fully. If you start feeling overwhelmed, try to tell yourself that the moment you’re experiencing is the only thing that matters. Feel the emotions, the sensations this moment includes, and give it your complete attention. As a result, you’ll inevitably feel the stress melting away gradually.
Everyday routine
You might already have an everyday routine that serves you. It can include meditation, exercise, journaling, or just sitting and enjoying your morning coffee. Don’t ditch your favorite routine only because you need to move. You might need it now more than ever. Dedicate a part of the day to these habits, and you’ll feel more grounded and safer when all the action starts happening.
Any daily routine that makes you feel good can help you cope with the stress of relocation.
Is it time to start practicing small daily habits?
The mentioned activities can help you cope with the stress of moving, but it takes some time to adopt these habits and make them a part of your daily routine. That’s why you should try to implement a new routine before relocation so that it doesn’t get affected by the volume of work that’s waiting for you.
If you feel overwhelmed
It’s not the end of the world if you do start feeling overwhelmed or if you have to cope with your anxiety. Keep in mind that you’re not the first person, nor the last person to feel this way when moving. Acknowledge this, acknowledge that you’re doing the best you can, pause if you need to, and move on.
Find your own way to cope with the stress of relocation
In order to cope with the stress of relocation, you can find your own way that works best for you. And it’s not hard to do this at all. When you start feeling bad or overwhelmed, just try to stop what you’re doing and find an alternative that will make you feel better. And yes, it’s simple as that. However, what makes it hard is recognizing this moment and choosing how to respond. With some practice, you’ll become good at it, and relocation might turn out to be more fun than you expected it to.