Learning a musical instrument can boost self-confidence and promote socialization. This is particularly the case in children. However, adults can also experience many benefits from learning music. Some of these benefits can be life-saving. It is no wonder that scientists now confirm music as not only therapeutic but beneficial to physical, mental and emotional health.
The Research
Researchers have been exploring ways music therapy will improve health outcomes for a variety of patients including those suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is well known that listening to music can foster wellbeing and have positive effects on the mood. However, recent studies show that playing an instrument provides even deeper levels of relief from anxiety and stress. Creating music or playing an instrument involves a more immersive experience. It has been found to limit stress and keep anxiety and depression at bay. Music’s psychological effects can be extremely beneficial and provide remarkable results.
What Can It Help?
Throughout time, every culture has used music to facilitate healing from violence and depression and to cultivate resilience. Today music therapy has been legitimized for therapeutic intervention and healing in many conditions including trauma. PTSD can come even from common accidents , so it’s more common than you might think. Playing music can foster resilience and help engage individuals who struggle with the stigma associated with finding professional help. Music will energize the body, relax the mind, and will even help manage pain. Playing upbeat music improves the ability to process speed. Both upbeat and downbeat music help with memory.
Why Music Learning Is Beneficial to Everyone
Science has proven that musical training can change the structure of the brain. Whether or not you are suffering from PTSD or another illness you can still greatly benefit from music lessons. Musicians develop the ability to process multiple concepts at once. Music is ideal for brain recovery and improves motor control. It strengthens reading skills and memory. Playing music releases endorphins that make you happy. Practicing music in short bursts increases blood flow to the left side of the brain and increases energy.
Overall, music learning can improve executive function critical to processing information, memory, decision-making, problem-solving and controlling behavior. Historical evidence and scientific research are clear. You can enjoy and benefit from music lessons regardless of your age.
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