Salman Khan

Silence the Chatter: Simple Strategies to Quiet Your Overthinking Mind

Do you ever find yourself replaying past conversations in your head, analyzing every word you say and what it might mean? Or maybe you worry endlessly about upcoming events, imagining all the worst-case scenarios? If so, you’re not alone. Overthinking is a common experience that can take a toll on our mental health. This blog […]

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Little Minds, Big Worries: Understanding Phobias and Mental Health in Children

Fear is a normal part of life, a primal instinct that keeps us safe from danger. But for some children, these everyday fears morph into something much bigger: phobias. These intense anxieties can become so powerful that they disrupt daily activities, turning a trip to the park into an obstacle course or a school presentation

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Calm in the Chaos: Mental Toughness for Better Wellbeing

One minute you’re cruising along, the next you’re facing a steep drop or a series of unexpected twists. It’s during these challenging moments that mental toughness becomes your superpower. Mental toughness isn’t about being emotionless or ignoring problems. It’s about developing the inner strength to navigate life’s hurdles with focus, resilience, and a positive attitude.

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